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So far Test Account has created 3 blog entries.

Is It Necessary to Teach New Canadians English Grammar?

2024-10-30T12:45:55+00:00September 23rd, 2024|Guest Post|

By Stephen Leung1  Whenever we talk about teaching grammar in English classes, it will stir up a lot of discussions and arguments, particularly when our students are new immigrants. Some may say that they need to start with learning the language through talking with native speakers, like a newborn picking up the language of their

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Let’s Go Fishing

2023-10-09T18:41:10+00:00October 9th, 2023|Allan Pole|

–by Allan Pole  As our Lord began His earthly ministry, He looked for disciples He could transform into fishers of men. Significantly, He called hearty, faithful fishermen to this task. Many natural qualities and techniques for successful fishing are similar to the spiritual qualities needed to serve Him. Jesus goes fishing for certain

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Ears to Hear

2023-09-05T21:19:29+00:00September 4th, 2023|Allan Pole|

–by Allan Pole  Have you ever driven somewhere and forgotten the last 15 minutes on the highway you just travelled? Have you ever listened to a sermon, read a book or heard someone tell you about their day and suddenly realized you didn’t have the slightest idea of what the preacher said, what

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