
Let’s scratch where it itches — Dale Fisher

November 20th, 2017|

One Day Workshop Fall 2017 A year ago, we didn’t have enough registrants to hold our annual Reaching Out With English (ROWE). It was a blow to us at CESLM, since we were proud of our 30-hour training, and saw that it was filling a vital need here in Calgary, training volunteers to start ESL […]

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Spring Training 2017 – James Edel

June 8th, 2017|

~ Spring Training May 22, 2017 – Ooh la la! What a great time at 2017’s Spring Training Conference that Cooperative ESL Ministries hosted!  God is good.  It was so beneficial to connect with each other and the speakers were such a big blessing.  Our theme was Invited in – The Journey so Far, and […]

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Conversation Starters—Dale Fisher

February 26th, 2017|

About this time of year, we often feel that we could use some new ideas for our conversation classes. Here are four of them. The first, is a great idea I learned from my teaching partner, Cindy Hubert. Adjective + Occupation Activity Cindy handed out a set of cards with occupation titles such as: policeman, photographer, […]

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Seasonal, Secular, Sacred Christmas — Mary Cummins

December 20th, 2016|

  What is Christmas? In many places in the world, Christmas is the most popular holiday in the year, especially for Christians. It is very nostalgic for many people—the sights, the sounds, the smells—and time spent with family and friends. Since Canada is in the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas comes in the winter season. Thus, we associate Christmas […]

A Fond Farewell to Bev Chambers — Dale Fisher

December 5th, 2016|

A FOND FAREWELL TO BEV CHAMBERS We were all sad to hear last spring that Bev Chamber’s husband, Norm, had suffered a stroke, and that Bev had to resign from her position of Administrative Coordinator to care for him. How do we say thank you to Bev Chambers for all she has contributed to CESLM? […]

Dialogue Journals to Improve ESL Writing Fluency—Dr. Roswita Dressler

November 28th, 2016|

Sometimes we tell our students not to worry so much about how accurate their writing is, but to just take risks and write. Then we fall into the trip of correcting their grammar or spelling and we wonder, are we sending the wrong message. While many of our students care about writing correctly, it can […]

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Soul Food Feeds Friendships—Shannon Sutherland Smith

June 17th, 2016|

Last month, women from Afghanistan, Peru, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Cyprus, Brazil and many other countries squeezed into our church kitchen to season bread crumbs, peel potatoes, baste turkeys and set a table that just seemed to get longer and longer as the morning progressed and we realized just how many people we were going to […]

The Value of Comics for ESL Learners—Dr. Roswita Dressler

May 12th, 2016|

I attended an interesting conference recently on Comics and Contemporary Literacy http://werklund.ucalgary.ca/ldlp/schedule . The speakers were all people who write and draw comic books or graphic novels and the purpose of the conference was to raise awareness as to the strengths of comics as a type of literature that has its own unique characteristics.

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Helping Prepare Adult English Learners for Employment—Dale Fisher

April 29th, 2016|

When we meet with adult English learners, questions around employment are always near the surface. Those who do not have a job, know they need to get one. Those who have jobs, want to move beyond their “survival” job, to one that better uses their qualifications and experience.

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Middle East Expert Speaking in Calgary

March 16th, 2016|

On April 9, 2016, Middle East expert Peter Twele (MA in Linguistics) will speak at our full-day spring training event Building Bridges: Responding to the Refugee Crisis. Peter carried out research through a number of institutions while residing in the Middle East for 11 years, and for the past 20 years has consulted for various Middle […]

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My Bread and Butter Lesson—James Edel

March 16th, 2016|

My ESL class has been studying the Canadian Food Guide. So, we’ve been learning that there are four food groups: Vegetables and Fruit, Grain Products, Milk & Alternatives, and Meat & Alternatives. Tricky situations do emerge. Why are nuts meat? Why are eggs meat? Why are lentils meat? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Aren’t potatoes […]

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How to Help Refugees with their English—Dale Fisher

January 19th, 2016|

Many groups are responding generously to the call to sponsor Syrian refugees. This is wonderful because these people will need this support, guidance and friendship for many years. CESLM can help with this process because we have a wealth of experience and resources to offer. All refugees will be eligible for free LINC classes, unless […]

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Emigration: Through the Eyes of a Child, Part Two—Karin Kossman

January 19th, 2016|

Karin Kossman (Jorgensen) emigrated from Denmark to Canada when she was eight years old. Here, she shares part two of her story about life on the ship as they leave Copenhagen for North America. These are Karin’s own words, but they have been mildly edited for clarity. Part One can be viewed here. LIFE ON THE […]

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Syrian Refugees: How Can We Help

December 1st, 2015|

 The Syrian refugee crisis has been prevalent in the media lately, along with Canada’s response. Our new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has committed to providing shelter for 25,000 refugees who will arrive in Canada in the coming months. Of these, approximately 2,300 will make Calgary their new home*. Last week, sixteen refugees arrived, reuniting with family they […]

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Spoken Grammar – Dr. Roswita Dressler

November 16th, 2015|

“Full sentences, please.” Have you ever been in a language class where the teacher reminded students to speak in full sentences? Have you ever thought about how odd that request actually is? I recently went to a workshop for English as a Second Language teachers where the presenter, Jane Willis, reminded us that spontaneous speech […]

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Be Not Overwhelmed – Dale Fisher

October 19th, 2015|

Two weeks ago, I was listening to several excellent speakers at our Reaching Out With English course. I was inspired by the content and the well thought out presentations. But I also sensed that some of the participants were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and the realization of how much in involved in […]

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The Golden Road to Being a Canadian Citizen – Adeline Tataille-Knisely

September 10th, 2015|

I’m very humble and feeling blessed to be granted as a Canadian citizen. It wasn’t something that I even hoped for, but in everything God always has a plan for those who believe. Before I met my Canadian husband, I met a Canadian pastor who was willing to invest in me and supported me to […]

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Child of an Immigrant; Mother of an Immigrant—Dr. Roswita Dressler

July 20th, 2015|

I grew up as a first generation Canadian. My parents came from Germany, met in Canada, got married and had children. Growing up, I had experiences similar to some of my ESL students’ children. I heard two languages, but was English dominant by the time I went to school. I ate different foods at home […]

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Emigration: Through the Eyes of a Child—Karin Kossman

June 17th, 2015|

  Headline: Copenhagen News—December 1954 “MOTHER AND SIX CHILDREN SAY GOODBYE TO THE OLD COUNTRY” We will join my father who, for seven months, made enough money blacksmithing in the vast country of Canada, in America, for our departure from our homeland, Denmark. As an eight year old at the time—one of those six children—I […]


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