Guest Post

20/20 Hindsight

2024-10-29T14:50:29+00:00October 28th, 2024|Guest Post|

Source: I am not new to teaching ESL, nor am I new to coordinating programs of outreach ministries in this and other communities, but in 2023 I was recently new to retirement and seeking the Lord for a volunteer area in which I could be actively involved. Through circumstances I can only

Is It Necessary to Teach New Canadians English Grammar?

2024-10-30T12:45:55+00:00September 23rd, 2024|Guest Post|

By Stephen Leung1  Whenever we talk about teaching grammar in English classes, it will stir up a lot of discussions and arguments, particularly when our students are new immigrants. Some may say that they need to start with learning the language through talking with native speakers, like a newborn picking up the language of their

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Teaching ESL Bible Study

2024-06-10T15:12:51+00:00June 4th, 2024|Guest Post|

Helping students understand the truths in the Bible. Studying the Bible in your native language is challenging. Studying it in a non-native language is even more difficult. Interpreting the meaning of the Bible word by word and phrase by phrase in the context of the surrounding content is key to understanding the meaning of God’s

A Story of Connections

2024-06-05T18:17:36+00:00May 11th, 2024|Guest Post|

The Journey Of An ESL Teacher, Both New And Seasoned. Contributed by Kara (CESLM first-time attendee) and Sylvia (SOCEM long-time attendee) The Backstory. The beginnings of this connection story came about on Saturday, March 16th at the CESLM-SOCEM Annual Spring Training event. During the break between sessions at Fairview Baptist Church, our onsite location, Kara, a first-time

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Blessing God’s Baby

2024-06-10T15:13:24+00:00December 5th, 2023|Allan Pole, Guest Post|

–by Allan Pole  Most people miss the significance of Christmas. Is it all about Santa Claus, shopping, exchanging gifts or eating a lot of food? Is it about spending time with family?  Or even about the baby in the manger? Don’t answer this last question too quickly. Instead of focusing on the baby in

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