Teaching Opportunities

ESL Teaching Opportunity

Agapé Language Centre provides language instruction for newcomers to Canada through English as a Second Language. Beddington Pentecostal Church partners with Agapé to fulfill this mission.

Agapé needs both in-person and/or online on-call substitute teachers willing to work Monday to Friday mornings or Monday & Thursday evenings. Class times are 2.5 hours. This is a paid position.

For more information, contact Debbie Alexander-Thomas at (403) 516-1846 or by dalexander@agapelanguagecentre.com.

Updated June 2024

ESL Volunteer Teachers Needed

Foothills Alliance Church in Calgary is looking for volunteers to help out in their ESL classes. For more information, contact Rick Love at 403.241.9777 or rick.love@myfoothills.ca

Updated June 2024

ESL Tutoring Opportunity

Looking for ESL teachers for online and in person students in Canada and China. All availability welcome. Preferred availability for evenings and/or early mornings. Volunteer positions also available.

For more information, contact Sara at saradasko@gmail.com.

Updated June 2024

ESL Volunteer Teachers Needed

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to teach English in another country? Gible online teaching platform offers you the opportunity to teach around the world from the comfort of your own home.

To learn more about teaching with Gible, click the links below.

Pluscope Website: Background of Pluscope, Gible and Adducate

Gible Website: Check out the classes and info on how to register to become a volunteer teacher to students around the globe.

Adducate Website: an online resource with free videos to teach ESL learners.

Pluscope YouTube Channel: Watch promo videos, tutorials and ESL classes in other countries—with seniors from Canada.

English tutors needed in Turkey

English classes are now in session in Turkey, running a Basic English class for elementary students. The teacher is using the Gible Basic 1 Curriculum created by Gible as seen on the computer screen for students to follow along.

If you are interested in volunteering to teach a class like this with Gible, contact us at contact@pluscope.com and check out the promo video created by CESLM on YouTube.

Posted July 22, 2o22

ESL Volunteer Teachers Needed

I-AM ESL provides online curriculum to churches and/or volunteer teachers who work with Canadian refugees and immigrants. For more information, contact Laura Swart at swartfamily@shaw.ca or 403-542-6545.

Updated June 2o24

ESL Volunteer Teachers Needed

The MPC Foundation, based in Calgary, is looking for ESL teachers to teach ESL to seniors at the Intermediate level. The timing is Wednesdays at 3 p.m. AB time. For more information, please contact Mae Chun at mae.chun@mpcfdn.ca.

Updated June 2024

ESL Volunteer Teachers Needed

The New Canadian Friendship Centre, NCFC, is looking for ESL teachers and substitutes for their English classes. For more information, contact them at info@ncfcentre.com or 587-390-0770.

Updated June 2024

Newcomer Services

Food Service Training provides low to mid skilled immigrant women with training to enter the quick service industry. Clients receive English language enhancement, essential skill and employment skills training.

Training includes food safe handling and certification, customer service and cash register handling. The program is available to immigrant women who are permanent residents with Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 3-4.

Click the link below to learn more about the program:

CIWA Food Service Training Program

Through the EthniCity Catering Training Program as a Kitchen Helper, you can gain valuable Canadian work experience and learn new skills to help you find a permanent job.

Click the link below to learn more about the program.

CFN Kitchen Training Program

Resources For Teachers

Norquest College

Minnesota Literacy Council

Below are a few links to resources for teaching ESL/EFL online. Check out the Zoom links to learn more about using Zoom to teach ESL online. Also, check out the online adult ESL levelled readers from Bow Valley College, as well a couple links to online worksheets.

  • Online Teaching TipsThis pdf was created by Rick and Patti Love and explains the steps they use to teach an ESL class on Zoom.
  • Zoom Best Practices and ResourcesAt the bottom of this webpage there are a few Best Practices for using Zoom that you can download and use to become better equipped to use Zoom to teach your students.
  • Getting Started Using ZoomThis webpage lists various recorded Zoom training sessions to learn more about using Zoom.
    • For new usersThis video is for those who are new to using Zoom, or if you only use it occasionally and need a refresher. (40 min.)
    • For intermediate/advanced usersThis video will show more intermediate to advanced features to use in Zoom meetings. (1 hr.)

LINC Student Assessment

These resources are to help determine student English skills according to the Canadian Language Benchmarks. Please remember this is for informal use only to help gauge their approximate English level.

Students wishing to have their Canadian Language Benchmarks officially tested should consult Immigrant Services Calgary for an assessment.

Canadian Language Benchmarks Documents

Winter Resources

Remembrance Day Resources

Christmas Resources

Emergencies, Health and Illnesses

Spring/Summer Resources

About Canada Resources

Valentine’s Day Resources

Easter Resources

Mother’s Day Resources

Thanksgiving Resources

Resources For Students

  • Improve Your English—Webpage
  • Free online ESL resources for teachers and learners. The Government of Alberta, Human Services funded the development of a series of ESL lessons and activities. Lessons are aimed at learners with a CLB proficiency level of benchmark 6 with free downloads.

Directions for Immigrants at Bow Valley College assists internationally educated immigrants with information and support towards employment and accreditation in their professional field. Services provided include a resource centre, career coaching, workshops on job search and networking, and industry networking opportunities.

Directions for Immigrants also offers study groups to prepare clients for licensing exams required by licensing bodies. Study groups are available for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, medical radiation technologists, medical lab technologists, and engineers. Clients may also participate in job success study groups such as Clear Communication for Business, Clear Communication for Health Professionals, and Communication Works! Immigrant professionals can utilize the services of Directions for Immigrants if they are internationally educated, legally able to work in Canada, residents of Alberta, and underemployed or unemployed.

The Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth engages immigrant youth and families to fulfil their potential in Canadian society. The organization offers school programs, homework clubs, a family assistance program, and summer literacy programs.

  • E-mail: contactus@cbfy.ca
  • Phone: 403.230.7745
  • Address: 620–5920 Macleod Trail SW Calgary, AB T2H 0K2
  • Website: cbfy.ca

Calgary Catholic Immigration Society offers resettlement and integration services for newcomers. They also provide family and childcare support, seniors services, support for survivors of torture, LINC classes, computer training, notary services, career counselling, skills training, and English language instruction.

A program that supports immigrants, refugees, and their families after trauma. We embrace strengths-based, holistic practices that recognize and build on inherent resilience. We offer accessible, culturally-appropriate services that address trauma.

How we Journey Together:

Trauma-Focused Therapy for all Ages

• Individual therapy for children and youth, with outreach available
• Individual therapy for adults on-site
• Family therapy
• Parent support
• Psycho-education workshops for individuals and their families
• Social support groups

Website: ccisab.ca

The Calgary Immigrant Education Society has 3 locations in Calgary to assist immigrants and low-income Canadians to improve their basic language and computer skills. They provide various basic ESL courses, LINC programs, employment counselling, language training for immigrant professionals, as well as computer and entry-level jobs training. For more information, check our website.

Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) was established in 1982 as a non-profit organization to address the needs and concerns of immigrant and refugee women, youth, children, and families. They offer settlement and integration services, language training, childcare, employment services, and family services.

The Centre for Newcomers provides settlement services, employment services, English language training (LINC), family services, and training programs.

Immigrant Services Calgary agency offers a variety of services including interpretation and translation, English and first-language assessment, career and educational counselling, citizenship classes, settlement services and workshops, family support programs, and referrals. Immigrant Services Calgary also has a comprehensive directory of ESL programs in Calgary (view directory)

Jewish Family Service Calgary offers basic needs assistance for low income individuals and families, counselling, resettlement services, services for seniors, and vocational support.

  • E-mail: info@jfsc.org
  • Phone: 403.287.3510
  • Address: 420–300 6 Ave. SE Calgary, AB T2G 0G5
  • Website: jfsc.org

The Bridges to Success program at McBride Career Group provides pre-employment services for Albertans who require assistance in establishing and maintaining employment or accessing further education or training. Program staff work with clients to provide support and assistance to help them achieve their goals.

Windmill Micro Lending, formerly the Immigrant Access Fund, is a charitable organization that provides loans for internationally trained and educated immigrants who need help with the costs of obtaining Canadian accreditation or training to become fully employed in their field.