Monthly Archives: June 2016

Soul Food Feeds Friendships—Shannon Sutherland Smith

2016-06-17T09:47:48+00:00June 17th, 2016|General Interest, Intercultural Communication, Shannon Sutherland Smith|

Last month, women from Afghanistan, Peru, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Cyprus, Brazil and many other countries squeezed into our church kitchen to season bread crumbs, peel potatoes, baste turkeys and set a table that just seemed to get longer and longer as the morning progressed and we realized just how many people we were going to […]

Blessed in ESL by Earl Stevick—James Edel

2016-06-10T08:58:17+00:00June 10th, 2016|ESL Classroom, ESL Tips, General Interest, James Edel|

Sometimes I think the Professional Development (PD) Day means, for me as a teacher, a day to relax and text a bit, while people talk incessantly about the latest teaching fads, or what the government is currently doing, or which way the pendulum is swinging in our field.  But I was recently rebuked for my disinterest in […]

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