James Edel

Spring Training 2017 – James Edel

2017-06-08T20:30:59+00:00June 8th, 2017|General Interest, James Edel, Spring Training|

~ Spring Training May 22, 2017 – Ooh la la! What a great time at 2017’s Spring Training Conference that Cooperative ESL Ministries hosted!  God is good.  It was so beneficial to connect with each other and the speakers were such a big blessing.  Our theme was Invited in – The Journey so Far, and […]

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Blessed in ESL by Earl Stevick—James Edel

2016-06-10T08:58:17+00:00June 10th, 2016|ESL Classroom, ESL Tips, General Interest, James Edel|

Sometimes I think the Professional Development (PD) Day means, for me as a teacher, a day to relax and text a bit, while people talk incessantly about the latest teaching fads, or what the government is currently doing, or which way the pendulum is swinging in our field.  But I was recently rebuked for my disinterest in […]

My Bread and Butter Lesson—James Edel

2016-03-16T10:22:25+00:00March 16th, 2016|ESL Classroom, ESL Tips, General Interest, Intercultural Communication, James Edel|

My ESL class has been studying the Canadian Food Guide. So, we’ve been learning that there are four food groups: Vegetables and Fruit, Grain Products, Milk & Alternatives, and Meat & Alternatives. Tricky situations do emerge. Why are nuts meat? Why are eggs meat? Why are lentils meat? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Aren’t potatoes […]

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The Struggles Facing Newcomers in Schools

2015-09-04T10:29:44+00:00September 4th, 2015|ESL Classroom, General Interest, Immigration Stories, Intercultural Communication, James Edel|

While many of us have a keen interest in issues facing adult newcomers in Calgary, children of immigrant parents have their own set of struggles.  In the September 2015 issue of Albertaviews, an article entitled “Language Limbo – The urgent need for more ESL instruction in school” by Marcello Di Cintio, called for more attention […]

10 Tips For Dealing With Late ESL Students — James Edel

2015-04-21T10:27:24+00:00April 21st, 2015|ESL Classroom, ESL Tips, James Edel|

From the vault: this article originally ran in our May 2013 newsletter. Here are ten tips to help you deal with late students in your ESL class: Start with a bang!  Use a mini-lesson or a quick comment based on the front page of the newspaper, so that if students come in late they have missed […]

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