General Interest

“He is risen!”

2019-08-21T03:01:41+00:00April 22nd, 2019|Allan Pole, General Interest|

    A. Cressy Morrison, an accomplished chemist and former chairman of the New York Academy of Sciences, wrote an article entitled, “Seven Reasons Why I Believe in God.” This is what he said:  “Consider the rotation of the earth. Our globe spins on its axis at the rate of one thousand miles an hour. […]

Our Heritage

2019-05-21T03:48:32+00:00February 17th, 2019|Allan Pole, General Interest|

    Our Heritage — Allan Pole Listen to our audio version below. Two penniless Hungarian brothers named Zsolt and Geza Peladi inherited £4 billion GBP [almost 7 billion CAD] from their long-lost German grandmother. The Hungarian press reported that “luck struck two homeless brothers, Zsolt and Geza, who survived from a precarious life”.  They […]

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The Life of Faith

2019-05-21T03:53:27+00:00January 13th, 2019|Allan Pole, General Interest|

    The Life of Faith — Allan Pole Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. As they lay down for the night Holmes said, “Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you see.”  Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.”  “And what does that tell you?” […]

Selective Speaking — Allan Pole

2019-05-21T04:11:18+00:00October 24th, 2018|Allan Pole, General Interest|

    Selective Speaking — Allan Pole By Allan Pole, CESLM Board President King Solomon shares a great insight for relationships in Proverbs 9:8-9: “So don’t bother rebuking mockers; they will only hate you. But the wise, when rebuked, will love you all the more.  Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the […]

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Be Patient — Allan Pole

2019-05-21T04:23:28+00:00September 20th, 2018|Allan Pole, General Interest|

    Be Patient — Allan Pole Be patient. I can’t count the number of times I’ve said this to others, and others to me. “I would have been a doctor, but I didn’t have the patience.” Ironically, not all doctors who have many patients, have a lot of patience. Several elderly church members were […]

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Are You A Humble Person—Allan Pole

2019-05-21T05:05:39+00:00July 22nd, 2018|Allan Pole, General Interest|

Are You A Humble Person — Allan Pole  Perhaps you know of a friend or family member with qualities that make them attractive, yet these qualities have nothing to do with appearance, talent, intelligence or wealth. The Apostle Paul describes three such qualities in Ephesians 4:2. “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with […]

The Power of Touch—Allan Pole

2018-06-19T21:27:33+00:00June 19th, 2018|Allan Pole, General Interest|

I drove by two middle-aged men standing on a sidewalk in Calgary.  They were kissing each other on the cheeks and my first thought was, “They must be gay.”  I took another look and I remembered seeing similar looking men greeting and kissing each other in Ukraine. The kiss in the ancient world was both […]

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Openness Starts Between the Ears — Allan Pole

2018-02-18T10:13:37+00:00February 18th, 2018|Allan Pole, General Interest|

Marty was touring Europe just as they were breaking down the Berlin Wall.  Wanting to get some historic pieces of the Wall, he headed for Berlin.  Because he found the hotels there beyond his means, he asked a young policeman if he knew of an inexpensive place where he could stay.  The policeman told Marty […]

Kindness Bridges the Gap — Allan Pole

2024-02-06T18:06:27+00:00January 14th, 2018|Allan Pole, General Interest|

When I was a boy I suffered from asthma and hay fever.  Being allergic to hay and growing up on a farm was a tough combination during the summer months.  When the air was thick with dust and pollen I would suffer through some sleepless nights coughing and sneezing.  I vividly remember my mom enduring […]

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Introducing the New CESLM Board

2017-11-20T20:38:52+00:00November 20th, 2017|Allan Pole, CESLM Board, General Interest|

As fall transitions to winter, CESLM is entering a new season as well. This past year has seen many transitions in our organization. The latest is our new Board of Directors. Some of the faces will be familiar – we’d like to welcome back founders Madeline and Mel Johnson as well as our secretary Dale […]

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Spring Training 2017 – James Edel

2017-06-08T20:30:59+00:00June 8th, 2017|General Interest, James Edel, Spring Training|

~ Spring Training May 22, 2017 – Ooh la la! What a great time at 2017’s Spring Training Conference that Cooperative ESL Ministries hosted!  God is good.  It was so beneficial to connect with each other and the speakers were such a big blessing.  Our theme was Invited in – The Journey so Far, and […]

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A Fond Farewell to Bev Chambers — Dale Fisher

2016-12-05T20:03:09+00:00December 5th, 2016|Dale Fisher, General Interest, Intercultural Communication|

A FOND FAREWELL TO BEV CHAMBERS We were all sad to hear last spring that Bev Chamber’s husband, Norm, had suffered a stroke, and that Bev had to resign from her position of Administrative Coordinator to care for him. How do we say thank you to Bev Chambers for all she has contributed to CESLM? […]

Welcome One Another and Be a ‘Helper’ — Amber Wylie-Moerman

2016-09-05T09:48:18+00:00September 5th, 2016|Amber Wylie-Moerman, General Interest, Intercultural Communication|

I saw a quote recently, posted on Facebook that read, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping’ (Fred Rogers).” We see a lot of scary things in the news lately […]

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