Intercultural Communication

A Fond Farewell to Bev Chambers — Dale Fisher

2016-12-05T20:03:09+00:00December 5th, 2016|Dale Fisher, General Interest, Intercultural Communication|

A FOND FAREWELL TO BEV CHAMBERS We were all sad to hear last spring that Bev Chamber’s husband, Norm, had suffered a stroke, and that Bev had to resign from her position of Administrative Coordinator to care for him. How do we say thank you to Bev Chambers for all she has contributed to CESLM? […]

Welcome One Another and Be a ‘Helper’ — Amber Wylie-Moerman

2016-09-05T09:48:18+00:00September 5th, 2016|Amber Wylie-Moerman, General Interest, Intercultural Communication|

I saw a quote recently, posted on Facebook that read, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping’ (Fred Rogers).” We see a lot of scary things in the news lately […]

Soul Food Feeds Friendships—Shannon Sutherland Smith

2016-06-17T09:47:48+00:00June 17th, 2016|General Interest, Intercultural Communication, Shannon Sutherland Smith|

Last month, women from Afghanistan, Peru, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Cyprus, Brazil and many other countries squeezed into our church kitchen to season bread crumbs, peel potatoes, baste turkeys and set a table that just seemed to get longer and longer as the morning progressed and we realized just how many people we were going to […]

My Bread and Butter Lesson—James Edel

2016-03-16T10:22:25+00:00March 16th, 2016|ESL Classroom, ESL Tips, General Interest, Intercultural Communication, James Edel|

My ESL class has been studying the Canadian Food Guide. So, we’ve been learning that there are four food groups: Vegetables and Fruit, Grain Products, Milk & Alternatives, and Meat & Alternatives. Tricky situations do emerge. Why are nuts meat? Why are eggs meat? Why are lentils meat? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Aren’t potatoes […]

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How to Help Refugees with their English—Dale Fisher

2016-01-19T10:23:49+00:00January 19th, 2016|Dale Fisher, ESL Classroom, ESL Tips, Intercultural Communication|

Many groups are responding generously to the call to sponsor Syrian refugees. This is wonderful because these people will need this support, guidance and friendship for many years. CESLM can help with this process because we have a wealth of experience and resources to offer. All refugees will be eligible for free LINC classes, unless […]

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Syrian Refugees: How Can We Help

2015-12-01T09:17:14+00:00December 1st, 2015|General Interest, Intercultural Communication|

 The Syrian refugee crisis has been prevalent in the media lately, along with Canada’s response. Our new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has committed to providing shelter for 25,000 refugees who will arrive in Canada in the coming months. Of these, approximately 2,300 will make Calgary their new home*. Last week, sixteen refugees arrived, reuniting with family they […]

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Spoken Grammar – Dr. Roswita Dressler

2015-11-16T08:01:25+00:00November 16th, 2015|Dr. Roswita Dressler, ESL Classroom, ESL Tips, Intercultural Communication|

“Full sentences, please.” Have you ever been in a language class where the teacher reminded students to speak in full sentences? Have you ever thought about how odd that request actually is? I recently went to a workshop for English as a Second Language teachers where the presenter, Jane Willis, reminded us that spontaneous speech […]

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The Struggles Facing Newcomers in Schools

2015-09-04T10:29:44+00:00September 4th, 2015|ESL Classroom, General Interest, Immigration Stories, Intercultural Communication, James Edel|

While many of us have a keen interest in issues facing adult newcomers in Calgary, children of immigrant parents have their own set of struggles.  In the September 2015 issue of Albertaviews, an article entitled “Language Limbo – The urgent need for more ESL instruction in school” by Marcello Di Cintio, called for more attention […]

Intercultural Communication: Gestures — Dr. Roswita Dressler

2015-05-19T10:25:35+00:00May 19th, 2015|Dr. Roswita Dressler, ESL Classroom, Intercultural Communication|

Have you ever heard the saying “A smile means the same in any language”? While this statement may be true, it might be one of the few generalizations a person can make about gestures or facial expressions being universal. Gestures are given meaning by the culture in which they are used and since they have […]

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